The Green Shed

Weather Line, the best weather app for iOS by far, is now a week out from shutting down.

I’ve tried a bunch of other weather apps and widgets since the announcement, and while there are a lot of good ones out there, I’ve found nothing as good as Weather Line, which has been perfect for me.


Came upon this story today:

Which led me to search for the album on Apple music.

It’s great!

The Spirit of the Internet is still alive and well out there, if a bit underground these days.


We lost our pet cat, Tad, this week.

He was 14, and outlived my marriage (that’s a bet I would have lost).

He was always kind of a pain: he loved to try to trip you by walking between your legs, he was huge, always wanted to lay on your lap at the worst time, loved to go outside, roll in the dirt, and immediately come lay on furniture, and never figured out how to sit nearby without kneading with his sharp-as-razors claws.

Still, he was a fixture around the house. He was loving, handsome, always loyal.

He is dearly missed.

Photo of a black-and-white Tuxedo Cat.

Photo: Orion

The Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula

Taken from the AZ desert, this is a stacked image from about 20 exposures (30s each), tracked with a Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer. Zoom in and you can see the Eagle Nebula, Horsehead Nebula, and Great Orion Nebula, among other features. Sony A7R IVa, 85mm, f/1.8.