Less AI
I've grown tired of AI/GPT news, but I apparently don't have the self control to just stop visiting Hacker News. So, instead, I installed Sprinkles, which will inject custom JS/CSS into any webpage you want (just like the ol' greasemonkey).
I added this custom script:
// news.ycombinator.com.js
const dimTopics = ['gpt', ' ai ', 'openai', 'copilot'];
for (const el of document.querySelectorAll('.titleline')){
for (const t of dimTopics){
if (el.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(t)){
let titleRow = el.closest('tr');
let pointsRow = titleRow.nextElementSibling;
et voilĂ , a more pleasant HN experience.
I expect to add more topics to my list over time.