The Green Shed

Ulysses Journaling Workflow Script

January 31, 2018

I’ve been using Ulysses to journal for about 4 months now. Prior to that I was using Day One, but I’ve since attemped to move all of my writing into Ulysses.

For a while I was just copy/pasting a previous entry as a starting point for a new post. That was tedious, and I missed the meta data that Day One included in a post by default, primarily location and weather. So, I put together a Workflow script to create a new journal entry in Ulysses for me.

Here’s what it looks like on my iPad:

<img src=”{% asset_path “workflow-ulysses-script/workflow-ulysses-template-screenshot.jpg” %}” style=”width: 100%;” />

The version that includes weather requires an API key from Dark Sky. While free, not everyone is up for getting an API key just to create a journal entry, so I’ve created a separate workflow for sharing that doesn’t use weather data in the post template.

In order to use either workflow, you’ll need a top-level group named “Journal” in Ulysses.

You can grab either workflow here, if they’d be of use to you:

Ulysses Journal Template Workflow (With Weather)

Ulysses Journal Template Workflow (Without Weather)